A Clash Of Eagles is a glorious work of passion from the author Adrian McWalter. 200 pages of full-colour text; maps; and figures plus art from renowned artist Peter Dennis & Johnny Shumate. A must have for any collectors and gamers of the Napoleonic Black Powder period!
Re-create epic moments of the 1812 campaign: the battles of Smolensk and Borodino; the numerous smaller affairs involving Napoleon’s allies and the long; protracted retreat from Russia culminating in the crossing of the Berezina; all of which left the Grand Armée reduced to a shadow of its former self.
Within the pages you will discover how Napoleonic armies fought differently from preceding Black Powder armies; including background detail focusing on the campaign; the numerous nations that took part in the campaign; as well as their armies and statistics on over a hundred different troop types.
You will find information on how to reflect Napoleonic battles using the Black Powder rules as well as a few new rules that are pretty standard amongst wargames communities across the globe.
Running alongside this you will encounter numerous national characteristics for France; Russia; Austria and Prussia to name a few; that will give your gaming experience more of a Napoleonic feel.