Antike Duellum – previewed at Spiel 2011 under the name Casus Belli – is a two-player strategy game based on modified rules from Mac Gerdts' Antike. The game includes two scenarios: Punic Wars (Rome vs. Carthago) on one side of the board; and Persian Wars (Greeks vs. Persians) on the other. The goal of the game is to be the first to gain nine ancient personages (Kings; Scholars; Generals; Citizens; Navigators).
Examples of modified rules from Antike:
Modular layout - when a player founds a city; he chooses whether it produces Iron; Marble; or Gold
Over 20 event cards; which provide more variety in the game
Town walls for individual protection of cities
Each Know-How costs a different amount - for example; inventing the market is more expensive than inventing the wheel
A new Know-How for trading goods with the bank
Higher costs for legions and galleys - they are first recruited from the bank to the personal supply (paying gold)
Easier rules for conquering cities with no movement of units
Resource chips (Marble 18; Iron 18; Gold 18; Coins; 14) 46 cards.
24 tokens of value 1 for marble (8); iron (8) and gold (8)
18 tokens of value 2 for marble (6); iron (6) and gold (6)
12 tokens of value 5 for marble (4); iron (4) and gold (4)
14 coins