Black Powder is a game for the militarily inclined gentlemen with straight backs; bristling beards and rheumy eyes that have seen a thing or two. If tales of battle and glory in days-gone-by stir nothing in your breast; if the roar of cannon does not quicken the pulse and set fire in the belly; then this is not the rule set for you. Set during the horse & musket period of 1700-1900; Black Powder is very much a game for gentlemen gamers. Gamers who cherish the finer things in life such as wonderfully painted armies; fighting over luxurious terrain; and doing so in the company of friends. No need for the use of protractors to wheel a unit and arguments over whether a charge is 2mm out of range or not are things you’ll no longer have to worry about. In essence it’s a very relaxing game that can produce stunning conflicts – conflicts that can see one side appear doomed only for them to pull victory from the icy grasp of Mistress Defeat.
March 1776 - Continental artillery is placed overlookiing the city of Boston forcing the evacuation of the British forces. For the next five years; the main bodies of the Continental and British armies campaigned against one another in New York; New Jersey; and Pennsylvania. These campaigns included the notable battles of Trenton; Princeton; Brandywine; Germantown; and Morristown; among many others. General Washington and other distinguished officers were instrumental leaders in preserving unity; learning and adapting; and ensuring discipline throughout the eight years of war. In the winter of 1777-1778; with the addition of Baron von Steuben; of Prussian origin; the training and discipline of the Continental Army began to vastly improve and in the late summer of 1781 the main body of the army traveled south to Virginia to rendezvous with the French West Indies fleet under Admiral Comte de Grasse. This resulted in the Siege of Yorktown; the decisive Battle of the Chesapeake; and the surrender of the British southern army.
Prepare your Army and make your plans to fight these battles with the new American War of Independence Continental Army Starter Army: Contains the following 28mm hard plastic figures and bases: 120 Continental Infantry including full command; 40 Colonial Militia; 1 Cannon and Crew (Including Molly Pitcher); 1 Mounted Commander; 1 Casualty figure. Full-colour flag sheets.
Revolutionary War Continental army set. Unpainted plastic miniatures. 28mm scale.
Pack contains one hundred and sixty Continental troops. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.