Your old favorite book is now your new favorite game! In Bring Your Own Book; players take turns drawing prompts from the deck; then race to find the best phrase in their own book that satisfies the prompt. What's the tastiest “name for a candy bar” in that history textbook you're reading for school? How quickly can you find “lyrics from a country western song” in your dog-training guide? What kind of “advice for graduating seniors” will appear in your anthology of limericks?
In more detail; everyone has their own book and sits in a circle. The cards are placed face down; and the starting player has a one-minute timer. The starting player takes the top card off the deck; picks a prompt; and reads it aloud. Everyone except the Picker searches their book for text to match the prompt; sequential text of any length: a single word; half of a sentence; a whole sentence; multiple sentences; etc.
The first Seeker to find matching text announces I've got it and starts the timer. When the timer runs out (or every Seeker announces I've got it); each Seeker reads what they've found. Seekers who didn't find text in time open to a random page and read a random sentence from it. The Picker chooses their favorite submission and awards the card to that Reader. After each round; the person to the left of the last Picker starts the next round. Once any player holds three cards; everyone passes their book to the player on their left. This happens any time a player reaches three cards during the game. Thus; it can happen as many times as there are players.
The game proceeds until one player has collected the required number of cards and wins: with 5-7 players the first to 4 cards win; with 3-4 players the first to 5 cards win.