Cthulhu Wars is a strategy boardgame in which the players take the part of alien races and gods taken from the Cthulhu mythos created by H. P. Lovecraft. The game is physically large; and includes sixty-four figurines of the cultists; monsters; aliens; and Great Old Ones that range in height from approximately 20 mm to nearly 180 mm.
The game takes place on a map of Earth. Each player takes the part of one of four factions included in the base game. At the start of a turn; players Gather Power; then; during a series of Action Rounds; they spend this Power to accomplish various tasks; such as recruiting Cultists; moving units; engaging in battle; summoning monsters; building Gates; casting spells; and Awakening their Great Old One. When all players run out of Power; the Action phase ends and the next turn begins. Victory is determined by accumulating points on the Doom Track. The first player to 30 is the lone victor *if* he has unlocked all six of spell books.
Driving the strategy are a player's wish to expand his power base; and his need to accomplish six tasks to acquire his faction's spell books. Each faction has a unique set of monsters; spell books; and special abilities; and has different requirements to acquire its spell books. All factions have multiple strategies open to them.
The base game supports 2-4 players (the map supports 5 players); but with new factions and maps released as expansions it can support up to 8 players.