Kill Team: Arena is an expansion for Warhammer 40;000: Kill Team that introduces rules for competitive play; using evenly balanced terrain set-ups and mission objectives to offer each player an even playing field. Also included are missions and rules for running competitive Kill Team tournaments; either for single players or teams of two allies (known as Battle Brothers).
The Book
A 64-page softback book; Kill Team: Arena explains everything you need to know about playing competitive games of Kill Team; from one-off games to various formats of tournament play:
Killzones: This sections describes rules for Ultra-close Confines combat and introduces four new Killzone Environments (Generatorium; Catacombs; Armorium Stockpile; and Garrison Vault); each with their own environmental rules.
Competitive Play: This section includes competitive rules; terrain maps and missions intended for use in games where balance is paramount; such as those played in tournaments.
Battle Brothers: Introduces a cooperative format for playing team-based competitive play games of Kill Team; where each Battle Brothers team consists of two players whose kill teams are pitted against their opponents' to see who can complete the most objectives. Includes 4 Battle Brothers missions and 28 Battle Brothers Tactics.
Ultima Missions: This section describes how to create custom competitive missions using the Killzones found in Kill Team: Arena by utilizing randomly generated killzones; deployment maps and Arena Objectives. This ensures no two competitive play games are exactly alike!
Kill Team Tournaments: Guidelines for running and participating in competitive play Kill Team tournaments; including how to register players and command rosters; determining player pairings in each round of a tournament; as well as how to score and rank players.
Using Competitive Play Missions in Campaigns: Guidance on how to use the missions from this set in your campaign games.
Along with the comprehensive book of rules; there is included a set of cards; tokens; scenery and game boards for use with Arena:
- 28 Battle Brothers Tactics cards
- 12 mission cards; including Battle Brothers missions and 8 Competitive Play missions
- 2 sets of 12 Arena Objective cards (one for each player). Each deck is also supplied with a storage sleeve to ensure they are not mixed up.
- 2 x 22x30” double-sided; folding card game boards
- 2 plastic frames of scenery; each containing the following: 5 doors; 4 barrels; 10 crates; 1 pipe; and 1 cylindrical container.
A copy of the Kill Team Core Manual is required to use this set.