Torrvald Orksbane is a psyker of impressive power; able to conjure blizzards of destructive energy from the air and send bolts of freezing cold crackling from his fingertips. He has a knack for hunting Orks; saying he can ‘see’ their raw aggression on the wind – as a Space Wolf his every sense is sharpened; and as a Librarian; that includes those beyond mortal capabilities. When the force fields that protected Megaborealis went down; Torrvald lived up to his name; seeking out the Reivers known as the Fangs of Ulfrich before taking the fight to the Orks in the borer-hives.
Add a Commander – a powerful hero character with unique abilities and rules – to your Adeptus Astartes kill team with this set. It contains a multipart plastic Primaris Librarian miniature; a set of cards packed with exclusive rules and a sheet of tokens for use in-game:
- A Primaris Librarian: this multipart plastic kit is used to represent Torrvald Orksbane – or the Commander of any Adeptus Astartes kill team you wish – clad in Mk X power armour; with many elaborate accoutrements; from his ornate multi-layered cloak to the detailed wiring of his psychic hood; armed with a force sword in his right hand and a holstered bolt pistol
- A datacard for Torrvald Orksbane; featuring his characteristics; weapons; abilities and specialisms; along with a card featuring his background
- A card featuring Torrvald Orksbane’s skill tree – Primaris Librarian specialisms which can only be used by that character
- 4 Librarius Discipline psychic power cards; including the exclusive Stormcaller psychic power
- 5 Adeptus Astartes Commander Tactics Cards; including 2 Tactics exclusive to this set
- A sheet of tokens for use in games of Kill Team – this includes 1 Move/Charge token; 1 Fall Back/Advance token; 1 Ready/Shoot token; 6 Tactic/psychic power tokens; 3 wound tokens; and 3 objective tokens.