Knights are colossal suits of armour bristling with heavy weapons; employed both by noble houses of the lmperium and those fallen to Chaos. Regardless of their allegiance; they are capable of laying waste to entire enemy armies.
This deck of Index: Knight Households cards will enhance your games from the moment you start playing Warhammer 40;000; giving you hands-on references to all the rules for your faction. The deck includes individual datasheets for each of the Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights models; detailing their profiles; wargear; options; and special abilities. You'll also find reference cards covering the army rules for both Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights – Code Chivalric and Harbingers of Dread; respectively – and rules for including Knights in other Imperium and Chaos armies; as well as the Noble Lance Detachment for Imperial Knights and the Traitoris Lance Detachment for Chaos Knights; which each include unique Enhancements; Stratagems; and a Detachment rule.
- 11x Imperial Knights Datasheet Cards:
Armiger Helverin
Armiger Warglaive
Canis Rex
Knight Castellan
Knight Crusader
Knight Errant
Knight Gallant
Knight Paladin
Knight Preceptor
Knight Valiant
Knight Warden
- 3x Imperial Knights Index Cards; detailing the faction's army rule and the Noble Lance Detachment
- 10x Chaos Knights Datasheet Cards:
Knight Abominant
Knight Desecrator
Knight Despoiler
Knight Rampager
Knight Tyrant
War Dog Brigand
War Dog Executioner
War Dog Huntsman
War Dog Karnivore
War Dog Stalker
- 3x Chaos Knights Index Cards; detailing the faction's army rule and the Traitoris Lance Detachment
Please note this product does not include cards for Knight Households products from Forge World.
All cards are 190mm x 126mm.