?In Sea of Clouds; as captain of a flying pirate ship; recruit a cutthroat crew; collect relics and unearth the best rum by gathering shares of Loot. Then send your pirates aboard enemy ships to plunder their treasure!
In each round of the game; players take turns divvying up shares of Loot to gain Rum; Relics; Objects; and Pirates. In some rounds; when ships are flying close together; they will also clash in a Boarding action; using the effects of any Pirates they picked up to gain Doubloons and plunder Loot.
On your turn; take the first of the three shares of Loot on the table; and look at it secretly. You must decide to either take all the cards in the Share then add the top card from the deck face-down to this Loot space; or to leave the Share and look at the next one. If you choose to do the latter; add the top card from the deck to the Share you declined (or a Doubloon; if there's already three cards); thus increasing its value for the next player. If no shares interest you; blindly take the top card of the deck.
The card backs give you a hint about what’s in the next Shares: Pirates to board other ships; legendary Relics to collect; Rum to be scored at the end of the game; and Items with permanent; immediate; or secret effects.
Every 4 or 5 rounds (depending on the number of players); Boarding action will occur! Add the strength of your Captain and your Pirates; apply any bonuses or penalties; and face your two neighbors! For each victory; your Pirates will gain Doubloons or steal some Loot! After the fight; all Pirates are discarded.
The game ends after 12 (or 15) rounds. Players then add the value of their Doubloons and their Loot cards to determine who’s the winner.