Those warbands who followed the spiralling labyrinth of Harrowdeep to its very nadir have found themselves in an even more nightmarish place – the Nethermaze. Once the dungeon of Harrowdeep’s architects; this bizarre and ever-morphing domain of pure shadow magic is a maddening labyrinth; full of traps and dangers of all kinds. It's in this oppressive darkness that your warband must fight; never trusting the ground beneath their own feet.
The ultimate competitive miniatures game evolves once again with the Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze Core Set. This packed box contains everything you need to start playing games in the shadowy labyrinth below Harrowdeep; including two complete warbands; dice; cards; tokens; boards; and more.
Warhammer Underworlds is a deck-based strategy game of skirmish battles set in Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Mortal Realms. It’s full of big action; clever combinations and tricks; and fast-paced gameplay. You’ll be able to get started right away with the pre-made decks included in the box – using the new Rivals format – or hone your deck by adding universal cards from other Warhammer Underworlds expansions for near-endless strategic depth.
This set contains:
- The complete rules for Warhammer Underworlds – a tight and concise ruleset; honed over many seasons. This expansion adds fresh new mechanics like Maps and Domains; as well as chilling new lore and art that delves deeper still into the shadowy setting established by Harrowdeep
- The complete Shadeborn warband – Murderous aelven Shadowstalkers that utilise the umbral arts; melting into the shadows and then reappearing to strike down their foes from behind. Quickly assemble your warband with four push-fit models; cast in a deep mauve to stand out even when unpainted; plus fighter cards and a full Rivals deck to claim the deeps for Khaine
- The complete Skittershank’s Clawpack warband – Skaven assassins that exhibit all the cunning and cruelty of the Clans Eshin. With five push-fit models in skulking brown plastic; plus fighter cards and a pre-made Rivals deck; you’ll be ready to clash quick-fast
- 2 double-sided game boards to represent the uncanny corridors of the Nethermaze
- Warhammer Underworlds tokens; including objectives; wound markers; glory points; and many; many more
- 48 universal cards – gambits; objectives; and upgrades that can be used by any warband; perfect for changing up your Shadeborn and Skittershank’s Clawpack decks; or expanding on your favourite warband as you bring them into the new setting
- 36 Grand Alliance cards – gambits; objectives; and upgrades that can be used by any warband belonging to that Grand Alliance
- 11 Dice – 5 Attack dice; 3 Defence dice and 3 Magic dice; enough for the most devastating blows; desperate defences and cataclysmic spells
Whether you're a new player looking to start your journey or a veteran gamer looking to update your game for the new season; this set is a must-have.
This box contains push-fit miniatures which are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel paints.