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Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave - Arena Mortis


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Warhammer Underworlds meets fast-paced multiplayer combat in Arena Mortis – an expansion that transforms the ultimate competitive miniatures game into a furious free-for-all!

This boxed set lets you transform your Warhammer Underworlds collection into a new kind of game. Picking your favourite hero; you'll embark on arena battles that are fast paced; fun and that'll push your Warhammer Underworlds skills to the limit!

- 20 all-new Gambit cards – designed for Arena Mortis but usable in ANY of your games
- 20 all-new Upgrade cards – also usable in ordinary games of Warhammer Underworlds
- A double-sided game board to play on; compatible with all existing Warhammer Underworlds boards
- Tokens and Cards for keeping track of the game
- Updated cards for the Restless Dead gambit and the Sepulchral Warden; reprinted for your convenience incorporating the latest rules updates

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