Hailing from a blasted and ruined kingdom far to the north; the Grymwatch have come questing to slay the monstrous entity that they believe lurks at Beastgrave’s heart. The Ghouls of the Grymwatch scramble through the tunnels; noble hunters in search of their monstrous prey.
This warband expansion set allows you to add the Grymwatch to your games of Warhammer Underworlds. A set of push fit models in coloured plastic allows you to get your warband built and ready for gaming in mere minutes; while fighter cards let you keep track of them in game. You’ll be able to harness the unique tactics of the Grymwatch with 32 warband specific cards; including objectives; upgrades and ploys. Meanwhile; 27 Universal cards give you new options for customising your deck whichever warband you play.
This set contains:
7 push fit Grymwatch miniatures
7 fighter cards – to represent each warrior in your games (Duke Crakmarrow; Duke's Harriers; Gristlewel; Greatsword; Master Talon; Night's Herald; Royal Butcher; Valreek the Tracker)
59 unique cards to enhance your fighters and provide new tactics and challenges for your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave. Including:
- 12 Grymwatch objectives
- 10 Grymwatch upgrades
- 10 Grymwatch ploys
- 9 Universal objectives
- 9 Universal upgrades
- 9 Universal ploys and spells