Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby; and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started; and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your Warhammer hobby toolbox.
Get started with comfortable clippers to remove your models from the frame; a mouldline scraper to help prepare them for paint; and a starter brush that’s just the right size to get the basics painted.
You’ll find 13 different Citadel Colour paints in 12ml pots; featuring the essential colours needed to paint your first models – they're particularly suited to Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter and Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan. The set includes Contrast and Shade paints to add extra depth to your paint schemes; and Technical paints to create textured bases.
- Abaddon Black (Base)
- Corax White (Base)
- Wraithbone (Base)
- Naggaroth Night (Base)
- Macragge Blue (Base)
- Leadbelcher (Base)
- Balthasar Gold (Base)
- Bugman's Glow (Base)
- Mephiston Red (Base)
- Thunderhawk Blue (Layer)
- Magos Purple (Contrast)
- Agrax Earthshade (Shade)
- Armageddon Dust (Technical)
This box also includes the following tools:
- Citadel Starter Brush
- Citadel Starter Clippers
- Citadel Mouldline Scraper