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Ashigaru Missile Troops


1 In Stock

The biggest change in the Sengoku period (1467-1603) would affect the role of missile troops in battle. At the start of the period; these were all armed with the yumi (bow) and fought in coordinated units to pepper the enemy with their arrows. This bow; like the equivalent English Longbow; took many years training to perfect but was deadly when used correctly. Due to the training needed there were never as many yumi armed troops as a daimyo may have wanted!

This product contains:

20 plastic Ashigaru with bow and arquebus
Decal sheet with Takeda clan markings
Assembly leaflet
Plastic bases
This would change with the introduction of firearms in 1543 via some Portuguese merchants. It did not take long for clever daimyos to see the opportunity they provided. As in Europe; the relative lack of training needed to use one meant Teppo (muskets) rapidly replaced the yumi as the missile weapon of choice.

From having no gunpowder weapons before their introduction within 60 years teppo would outnumber yumi on the battlefield by a ratio of 4 or 5 to 1. However the yumi did not disappear; there would always be yumi armed troops amongst the teppo to help protect them while they reload.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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