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Fresco the Bells


1 In Stock

Fresco: Expansion Modules 8; 9 and 10 consists of; as the name suggests; three additional expansions for Fresco! They can be played individually or combined with any or all other expansions for the game. These expansions are:

8. The Bells – The bishop wants a new bell for the cathedral; and the fresco painters can contribute by buying bell certificates; gaining prestige (victory points) immediately and additional prestige at game's end depending on how much they contributed relative to everyone else.
9. The Wall Fresco – By refreshing sections of a wall fresco; the players can gain fame; glory; and a regular paint supply; thus saving money. What fresco painter would pass up such an opportunity?
10. The Medico – The time schedule for restoring the fresco is hard enough to meet; but now the apprentices are taking ill; one after the other. How can you finish the work on time? Only skillful planning and the healing drugs of a traveling medico at the market will help.

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