Munchkin Babies delivers 168 cards full of sweet; adorable baby adventurers . . . who are just as good at backstabbing and loot-grabbing as their elders from Munchkin. Play a cute Orcling; Dwarfling; Elfling; or Quarterling (half a Halfling). Go to preschool to learn your Class: Wiz Kid; Ankle Biter; Crumb Snatcher; or Holy Terror; and then arm yourself with the scariest items from the toy box: the Kazoo of Constant Whining; Kid-Safe Stabbinator; Blame-Resistant Pajamas; and of course; the Extremely Pokey Spoon. You must fight fearsome monsters such as the Jealous Kitty; the Hootin' Nanny; the Napmare; and; worst of all; the Pediatrician! Grab their treasure and crawl your way to Level 10!
Playing Babies with Other Munchkin Games
There are a few small differences between Munchkin Babies and other Munchkin sets. If you want to mix your decks; keep these rules in mind.
Class and Race in Munchkin Babies
For game purposes; babies are just younger members of the traditional Munchkin Classes and Races. Baby Classes – Ankle-Biters; Wiz Kids; Crumb Snatchers; and Holy Terrors – correspond to the usual Class types – Warriors; Wizards; Thieves; and Clerics; respectively – and have exactly the same effects and weaknesses. For example; Holy Terrors have the same bonus against Undead as Clerics; Ankle-Biters can Berserk; etc. Baby Races correspond to the usual Race types – Elves; Dwarves; Orcs; or Halflings – and have identical effects and weaknesses. They are the same Races and are affected by the same rules and restrictions. For example; an Elfling may use an Elf-only weapon and vice versa.
Death and Munchkin Babies
When mixing any Munchkin Babies game with Munchkin; if you have a baby Class or Race; and trigger Bad Stuff that includes Death; you instead must discard your hand. If you have no cards in your hand; lose a level.