This expansion adds two new factions; the CHOAM and the Richese; to the Dune boardgame; along with 2 new variants.
The Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles or CHOAM controlled much of the economic affairs across the cosmos; and had a keen interest in Arrakis above and beyond spice production. Because of its control of inter-planetary commerce; CHOAM was the largest single source of wealth in the Imperium. Influence in CHOAM was a major focus of political maneuvering in the Imperium; both to maximize dividends and also to skim profits. The leaders and bureaucrats of CHOAM were dedicated to controlling vital products that enriched the Great Houses . . . and CHOAM itself.
House Richese; just like the Ixians; had a well-earned reputation for ingenuity; and created important technological inventions. But Count Ilban Richese suffered a number of business blunders that threatened to bankrupt their fortunes. After being ousted from governing Arrakis; they were reduced to selling off important creations simply to raise enough funds to continue their efforts to compete.
This expansion also introduces Leader Skills; which let you assign a skill like Mentat; Swordmaster of Ginaz; or Prana Bindu Adept to one of your leader discs. It also included Advanced Stronghold Cards; which give you a homefield advantage when battling in a stronghold you control.